Dave Haynie daveh at cbmvax.cbm.UUCP
Thu Jul 3 03:17:49 AEST 1986

> Quick Jab:
> 	If Pascal is so good why did its author (N. Wirth) write
> two other languages (Modula & Modula II) before deciding he had one
> which could be used for system implementation? (Lilith (sp?))
> 				Bill Bogstad
> 				bogstad at

Never any question about this one.  Wirth designed Pascal as a teaching
language, not a system implementation language, and as a language that
could be easily compiled by a 1-pass compiler on small computers.  It
was designed specifically to be used by novices, thus the very strong
type-checking, bounds checking, etc., and the very limited power of
the language.  Modula 2 seems like and attempt to create a spin-off of
the Pascal methodology that can actually be used for system implementation
and the like.  Probably just as reasonable as all the incompatibly-expanded
Pascals around today.

Dave Haynie    {caip,ihnp4,allegra,seismo}!cbmvax!daveh

   A quote usually goes here, but its currently being rennovated.

	These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too.

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