Pascal vs C, again (was: Pascals Origins)

Root Boy Jim rbj at icst-cmr
Thu Jul 24 05:47:10 AEST 1986

	In article <3142 at utcsri.UUCP> greg at utcsri.UUCP (Gregory Smith) writes:
	>As for the lack of break, it's a fact of life that loops do not always
	>exit at the same point in the cycle as they start. Pascal ignores this.
	Over the last ten years I have implemented several (interpretive)
	languages with the extended repeat syntax:
	      (block 1)
	   until condition
	      (block 2)

Struc$ rears it's ugly head again. Perhaps, Ben, you would like to explain
the true significance of the form:

	repeat [while Condition_1]	while (Condition_1) {
		Block_1				{Block_1}
	[until Condition_2]		    if (Condition_2) 
		Block_2				{Block_2; goto YOW;}
	[otherwise]			    else
		Block_3				{Block_3}
	[atend]				}
		Block_4				{Block_4}
	endrep				YOW:

Oh, I just did.

Dr. Pat Haggerty (Chief of Tong, not the referee) implemented this in
Univac 1108 Assembley language (pre MASM). 

This was before those young whippersnappers like Chris Torek came along
and I could look out my dorm window right thru his present office and see
trees, cows, and pigs.

(Slowly the attack of (machinus) envy and nostalgia subsides :-).
	           umd5.UUCP    <= {seismo!umcp-cs,ihnp4!rlgvax}!cvl!umd5!zben
	Ben Cranston zben @ umd2.UMD.EDU   Kingdom of Merryland Sperrows 1100/92
	           umd2.BITNET     "via HASP with RSCS"

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj at>
On the road, ZIPPY is a pinhead without a purpose, but never without a POINT.

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