Switch case common code

Jay Batson jay at isis.UUCP
Thu Jun 12 01:45:22 AEST 1986

In article <134 at danews.UUCP> lvc at danews.UUCP (Larry Cipriani) writes:
>The 'best' I think that can be done is to do something like:
>	switch (switch_variable)
>	{
>	case a: ...
>		goto common;
>		break;
>	case b: ...
>	common:	common_code_for_a_and_b
>		break;
>	case c: ...
>		break;
>	}
>Gotos are usually abused, but I think the for/while stuff shown
>is just awful.  I think this is a lot easier to understand.  No ?

Yes.  Craig, you're bright, and you've helped me lots before.  But I
agree with Larry for _this_ question.  But, Craig's article _was_
an interesting posting, I'm sure all will agree.

"OK, so now, after it gets dark Lancelot and I will jump out of the rabbit, and
 take the castle by supr........ oh."

Jay Batson

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