NASA Seminar, Herb Schwetman (MCC), 5/22, 10 am, parallel C

Eugene Miya eugene at ames.UUCP
Fri May 9 05:44:14 AEST 1986

[Added note: We are having a seminar by Ken Kennedy on automatic
vectorization Next friday, but we don't have the abstract yet.
If you are a foreign national and are interested send mail NOW
to howard at ames-nas.]

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Ames Research Center
                            SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT

                           Joint RIACS/RCR Branch

SPEAKER: Herb Schwetman
         Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC)

TOPIC: PPL*: A Parallel Programming Language Based on C

ABSTRACT: PPL is a parallel programming language which extends the C
programming language for use on systems which support concurrent execution
of multiple processes.  A major goal of the design of PPL is that it must
allow programmers to specify parallel programs in a convenient manner. The
syntax and semantics of PPL are similar to those of process-oriented
simulation languages. This talk summarizes PPL and describes its
implementation for the Sequent Balance 8000 Multiprocessor.  Two examples
illustrate many of the features of PPL.

DATE: 22 May 86	TIME: 10 am	BLDG: 233	ROOM: 172

POINT OF CONTACT: E. Miya		PHONE NUMBER: (415)-694-6453
		eugene at ames-nas.ARPA

VISITORS ARE WELCOME: Register and obtain vehicle pass at Ames Visitor
Reception Building (N-253) or the Security Station near Gate 18.  See map
below.  Do not use the Navy Main Gate.

Non-citizens (except Permanent Residents) must have prior approval from the
Director's Office one week in advance.  Submit requests to the point of
contact indicated above.  Non-citizens must register at the Visitor
Reception Building.  Permanent Residents are required to show Alien
Registration Card at the time of registration.

* PPL is copyrighted by Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation.

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