Trademarks (was "What should be added to C, call it PL/2")

Dave Haynie daveh at cbmvax.cbm.UUCP
Sat May 31 05:51:51 AEST 1986

> Summary: PL/2-PL/100 not protected names
>>Sorry, I don't think you can call it PL/2! ...

> Sounds like an Urban Legend to me.  In the US it is not possible to
> register a trademark until it has actually been used in trade.  Hence
> stories of tobacco companies registering names like Acapulco Gold
> against the possibility of legalized marijuana are, sadly, bogus.

> D Gary Grady
> Duke U Comp Center, Durham, NC  27706
> (919) 684-3695
> USENET:  {seismo,decvax,ihnp4,akgua,etc.}!mcnc!ecsvax!dgary

Though that may be independent of the amount of trade involved.  During the
last days of the Trameil administration at CBM, and before the PCjr was 
shipped by CBM, Jack managed to ship a few copies of a "Peanut" computer,
which was later to be renamed.  As far as I know, the name was trademarked
at the time; certainly IBM didn't use it (though they may have decided against
it for other reasons as well).
Dave Haynie    {caip,inhp4,allegra,seismo}!cbmvax!daveh

	"Let me control a planet's oxygen supply, 
	 and I don't care who makes the laws"
				-Great Culuthu's Starry Wisdom Band

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