A good use of a bad feature

emjej at uokvax.UUCP emjej at uokvax.UUCP
Sat May 10 00:35:00 AEST 1986

/* Written 10:49 am  May  4, 1986 by root at icst-cmr in net.lang.c */
You will find much disagreement on that point, I'm afraid. Fall thru is
more flexible. You can always break, but often cases are related so that
a particular case requires a superset of another case. It is to DMR's
credit that he realized this feature. I sure wouldn't have thought of it.
/* End of text from net.lang.c */

Ravening C worship should not get in the way of historical accuracy.  The
fall-through of cases in switch statements was inherited from BCPL.
You have its originators to, uh, thank for it.

						James Jones

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