questions from using lint

Don E. Davis ded at aplvax.UUCP
Sat May 3 02:22:36 AEST 1986

>You people fail to realize that some of us out here don't like lint.
>It complains too much about what I do. I refuse to go any further
>than generating no compiler warnings. I know what I'm doing. When I
>goof, I'll fix it myself. I refuse to add extra casts to keep lint happy.
>	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj at cmr>

(Root Boy) is not alone, though with a name like that he should be. ;-)
I know several excellent programmers who never use lint.  Personally,
I use lint some, but it is not my religion.  I do think
programmers should be familiar with lint but I don't think we
should run screaming into the sea because someone never heard of it.

If they haven't heard of hack, now -- that's a different story!


					Don Davis

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