Looking for a good C text
Gordon Vickers
ems at prls.UUCP
Mon Nov 17 20:00:51 AEST 1986
Other good books for learning 'C' ;
Learning to Program in C
Plum, Thomas
Plum Hall Inc.
ISBN 0-911537-007
This is the text that I learned from while attending a course
at D.E.C. This is a good no-nonsence book.
C Primer Plus
Waite, Prata, Martin
Howard Sams & Co., Inc
ISBN 0-672-22090-3
Good text for the more informal class. A bit of humor (but not too
much) makes for easy reading. Notes differances between VAX and PC
Programming in C
Stephen G. Kochan
Hayden Book Company, Inc.
ISBN 0-8104-6261-3
I really don't know how good this book is, I never use it. Looks
like it is pretty straight forward and no-nonsenced. Contains lots
of examples, exercises.
Regardless of how you learn C, get a few months practice and then see how
much you don't know by picking up a copy of ;
The C Puzzle Book
Alan R. Feuer (Bell Labs)
Prentice-Hall Inc.
ISBN 0-13-109926-4
This is NOT what you may at first assume it to be. The 'puzzles' are
just exercises with explainations. Nothing tricky or obscure, just good
valid exercises that will challenge and reinforce your present
understanding of the language.
------------- fold, spindle, mutilate at will ------(it's your CRT) ----
Gordon P. Vickers, (408) 991-5370,
Signetics Corp., PO Box 409, M/S 69, Sunnyvale, Ca 94086
Kick the habit: ask the American Lung Association about their
"Freedom From Smoking" class. It worked for me, the wife, and 75%
of the class. What a differance! Its GREAT!
[ In this correspondance, I am representing myself and no others.
I am not part of the PRLS group, but they are nice enough to allow me
to TIP(1) to an account on their machine so I can send/receive email.]
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