Must casting destroy lvalueness?
David desJardins
desj at brahms
Fri Oct 24 12:11:12 AEST 1986
In article <657 at dg_rtp.UUCP> throopw at dg_rtp.UUCP (Wayne Throop) writes:
>Let's take a similar example. Would you expect
> int i;
> ((short)i)++;
>to do anything sensible? If so, why?
In my opinion this should have the result
* ((short *) &i) = (short) i + 1;
Obviously the result of this operation is machine-dependent (since the effect
of casting int to short is machine-dependent). But on an appropriate machine
this does indeed have not only a sensible but a *useful* effect -- it will
increment the low bytes of i without carrying into the high bytes.
At any rate the casting of int to short performs a fundamentally different
operation than does casting of pointers (in Wayne's terminology, the former
"converts" and the latter "takes-as"), and so it is not necessary for one to
make sense in order for the other to be allowed.
Note also that on most machines the statements
int *p;
((int) p)++;
makes sense (it increments the address referenced by p by the addressing unit
of the machine). In fact this is arguably the correct way to use the value
produced by 'sizeof';
(int) p += sizeof (foo);
makes sense on any machine where 'sizeof' gives results in multiples of the
addressing unit of the machine, whereas the more common alternative
p = (int *) ((char *) p + sizeof (foo));
is both clumsier and makes the unnecessary assumption that sizeof (char) == 1.
Another justification for casting of lvalues is the case of register
variables. In this case Wayne's alternative syntax doesn't work:
register int *p;
(* ((foo **) &p))++; <== ERROR
But the idea of casting (or "taking-as") the pointer p as a pointer to foo is
still perfectly valid, and the proposed syntax
((foo *) p)++;
still makes sense, and can be understood and implemented by a compiler.
-- David desJardins
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