TSR programming techniques in `C'

Dipto Chakravarty dipto at umbc3.UMD.EDU
Fri Apr 1 12:42:47 AEST 1988

>From dipto Thu Mar 31 21:23:10 EST 1988

In article <5132 at sigi.Colorado.EDU> murillo at boulder.Colorado (Rodrigo) writes:
>Does anybody have experience in writing TSRs for DOS in C.  I would like
>to get a hold of some C source that would show the basic principles of
>writing a TSR ...

	Recently, a couple of books have been published on this topic.
	If I remember them right, then they are the following :-

	     Author: Wadlow; Publisher: Addison Wesley

	     Author: (don't remember ... sorry)               {title citation}
                                                              {in bookstores.}

	The first book is a superb introduction to RAM resident programming
	techniques. The second text talks about the Interrupt Vector Table 
	manipulation, and provides some in-built utilities (pre-written in 
	Assembly, I think) with the help of which one can alter the IVT of
	the PC's memory. 

		The most fundamental principle of writing these fabulous 
	RAM resident programs is to understand how to alter the Interrupt
	Vector Table. 

>   ... how to trap the keyboard interrupt to watch for hot keys.

	The software keyboard interrupt (I think it is 14H) works at the 
	DOS level. One should be able to play with this and hack this 
	code to work by trapping the 14H signal with the int86() function.
	Here is a code fragment to trap an interrupt:
	-----                                        { I used the Microsoft }
	#include <signal.h>                          { `C' functions here   }
	#include <dos.h>                             { The calls in Turbo C }
	#include <stdio.h>                           { differ slightly.     }
	#include <process.h>                         { Refer Turbo C manual.}
	#define CNTL_C 0x23
					/* the e.g. here traps interrupt  */
	int int_handler(int);		/* number 0x23; the values in the */
					/* regs struct may/may not matter */
	union REGS regs;
	signal(SIGINT, int_handler);
	int86(CNTL_C, &regs, &regs);

	Now, you may want to think twice before messing with hardware
	keyboard interrupt. The value is interrupt number 09H, I think. 
	This means that you will begin hacking around at the ROMBIOS
	level. This, definitely is a cool way to trap the keyboard signal
	but be aware of the facts before this technique is attempted. I
	once crippled my keyboard real good! :-) 

	INCORRECT interrupt trapping techniques at the ROMBIOS level 
	(specially for the keyboard) is really as messy as getting into
	a Lisp interpreter, doing a ``(defun exit (.....))'' incorrectly,
	.... and, then attempting to exit out of Lisp in normal ``(EXIT)''
	way! :-)

	I strongly recommend that program testing should be done using an
	innocent interrupt like the "timer tick". 
							Good Luck!

	P.S: I encountered some problems (bugs?) with Turbo `C' at the 
	     time of program development. Microsoft, in my view is safe
	     to use. At the interrupt driver level, when one is screwing 
	     around with the hardware interrupts and ROMBIOS the compiler
	     + the linker + the library ought to be absolutely bug-free.



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