Re^2: gotos (actually: **Apolog

kelly at kelly at
Mon Apr 25 15:01:00 AEST 1988

/* Written  8:40 pm  Apr 21, 1988 by friedl at vsi.UUCP in */
       * The problem is not with arrays but with the *
       * underlying thought that caused their use.   *
       *                                             *
       * The solution is not to ban the array but to *
       * teach the insight.                          *

       * The problem is not with the goto but with   *
       * the underlying thought that caused its use. *
       *                                             *
       * The solution is not to ban the goto but to  *
       * teach the insight.                          *
/* End of text from */

Very well said.

	Jim Kelly.
	kelly at

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