cdecl keyword ( re: C Decl ...

carroll at snail.CS.UIUC.EDU carroll at snail.CS.UIUC.EDU
Thu Apr 14 03:23:00 AEST 1988

/* Written  8:27 am  Apr 12, 1988 by dhesi at bsu-cs.UUCP in snail:comp.lang.c */
In article <10700017 at snail> carroll at snail.CS.UIUC.EDU writes:
>In article <2521 at bsu-cs.UUCP> dhesi at bsu-cs.UUCP (Rahul Dhesi) writes:
> (...)

I certainly did not write this.
Rahul Dhesi         UUCP:  <backbones>!{iuvax,pur-ee,uunet}!bsu-cs!dhesi
/* End of text from snail:comp.lang.c */

You are correct, I was over-zealous in my editing and deleted a preceeding
header line. I abjectly apologize for my stupidity. The actual author
(and hopefully I have it right this time) is

/* Written  6:58 am  Apr  5, 1988 by greg at csanta.UUCP in snail:comp.lang.c */

Alan M. Carroll		amc at	carroll at
Grad Student (TA) / U of Ill - Urbana ...{ihnp4,convex}!uiucdcs!woodshop!amc

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