Turbo C bug with unsigned long integer.

Julio De Melo demelo at im4u.UUCP
Thu Apr 21 08:42:52 AEST 1988

	I haven't read this news group for a while, and for this reason
I am not sure whether this bug has been reported or not. My apologies if so.

	I wrote a program in Turbo C, which runs on an 8088, that needs an
unsigned long integer (32 bits) that I am using simply as a bit pattern. I
initially load this variable with a single bit one in a specific position
out of the 32 possible. To do this I wrote:

		unsigned long variable;


		variable = 1 << num_shift;

	where :  num_shift < 32;

	The problem is that if num_shift is higher than 14, I get
(I suppose so) unnexpected results. The table below show these

	num_shift	result (variable = ...)

	   14		  16384 (0x4000)	OK!
	   15	       -32768 (0xffff8000)	(???, variable was declared
						 as unsigned)
	   16		    0			(???, variable is long)
	 17-31		    0			(same problem)

	What seems to be happening is that "variable" is treated in memory
as two separate 16-bit words, such that when a shift is performed that
crosses the boundary between them, the one in the MSB of the lower word
is lost.

	To confirm that this is actually happening, I wrote the code below
to test whether "variable" is actually interpreted by the compiler as a
long integer. It works well with the exception of the case for "num_shift"
equal to 31, when the result is  -2^^31, instead of  2^^31 (the hex result
is actually what I intend it to be, 0x80000000, but when printing it I
should get a positive number as output).

      if (num_shift != 15)		/* avoid the -32768 result */
	  variable = 1 << num_shift;	/* shift lower word */
          if (!variable)		/* if zero, shift upper word */
	    variable = 0x10000 << (num_shift - 16);
	variable = 0x8000;

	I have no idea whether this works or not on Quick C.
	Any comments?

		Julio de Melo
		UTexas - Austin
		julio17 at emx.utexas.edu

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