why p->member ?

Martin Neitzel neitzel at infbs
Sat Aug 13 06:49:39 AEST 1988

btw, the debugger "dbx" will dereference a structure pointer p
automatically in an expression like "p.a"

And just another remark regarding the operator "->":

I for one would enjoy a corresponding assignment augmentation
for it:  "node ->= next".  (But then, I like things like APL,
you know...)

Martin Neitzel,  Techn. Univ. Braunschweig, W.Germany
BITNET/EARN:	neitzel at dbsinf6.bitnet	  (mail via bitnet preferred)
UUCP:		neitzel at infbs.uucp  (unido!infbs!neitzel)
from ARPA:	neitzel%dbsinf6.bitnet at psuvax1.psu.edu

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