algorithm to convert N into base 3 wanted!

Chuck_M_Grandgent at Chuck_M_Grandgent at
Sun Aug 28 07:58:26 AEST 1988

tedj at hpcilzb.HP.COM (Ted Johnson) wants to know
> Does anyone know of an algorithm to convert a positive integer N into
> its base 3 representation?  (e.g., 14 in base 10 is 112 in base 3).
> Any textbook/journal pointers are appreciated!  (Source code is
> appreciated even more :-)

You may wish to look into a FORTH system, or its code.
FORTH has a system variable called BASE, and by storing the
desired base into BASE, all terminal I/O (numbers) are carried
out in the requested base.

For example     17 BASE !     (storing 17 into BASE)
will cause all subsequent terminal I/O, plus the arithmetic
operators to do their stuff in base 17.  Source is available
for many FORTH systems.

============ sun!portal!!chuck_m_grandgent===========
============ AEG Modicon, Industrial Automation Systems Group =====

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