Sorting algorithms...

David Harvey dharvey at wsccs.UUCP
Wed Aug 31 15:41:38 AEST 1988

> Michael,
> 	I hope you are not a computer science student.  Any self respecting
> computer scientist would know where to look for these algorithms.
> Try D.E. Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 3 "Sorting and Searching"
> or any of the other standard computer algorithm texts.  Also, most books on C
> include at least one sorting algorithm in them(commonly merge sort or
> quicksort).
Amen!  There are so many books out there with sorting algorithms it
seems that a posting to the net like this deserves to be flamed.  As for
a self respecting computer scientist they don't even look at the text....
they just write it!

dharvey at wsccs

disclaimer:	I am responsible for Nobody and
		Nobody is responsible for me. (-:

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