C ==> Pascal

Barrett Kreiner pervect at bsu-cs.UUCP
Tue Aug 9 13:02:09 AEST 1988

In article <3dbeca56.1285f at maize.engin.umich.edu>, mekos at caen.engin.umich.edu (Howard S nichols) writes:
> I am in need of a pascal to c program.
> I have p to c , but it has no reverse
> option, which is what I need.
[Munch Munch Munch.. Buuurrrp!]

Please! I would like the information too!
I hate C (boo Hissssss) but need to learn it, and would like to use the pas->C
and any C->Pas info to make the transition easier.

|Barrett Kreiner     UUCP:  <backbones>!{iuvax,pur-ee,uunet}!bsu-cs!pervect |
|UN)official archiver IBM-PC|-----------------------------------------------|
| Ball State U. Muncie, IN  | "I'll tell ya kid, the main problem with      |
|---------------------------| Pervish food is keeping the goo from crawling |
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| Disclamer: "I don't know them!  I'm a student, nobody listens to ME!"     |

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