Absolute size of 'short'

Mike Maloney mike at ISIDAPS5.UUCP
Tue Aug 2 06:53:42 AEST 1988

Dear C-Heavies,

Is the size of a (signed or unsigned) short integer guarenteed to
be two bytes?  I need to manipulate and compare some unsigned ints
modulo 65536.  It would be clean and convenient to just let the
machine handle my wrap-around from 0 to 0xffff and verse-vica.

The following works fine on my Xenix-386 machine, but is it portable?
Note that the default integer size is 4 bytes, so the expression 'u'
inside the printf's is being converted.

	unsigned short u;

	u = 0xffff;
	printf("0x%x\n",u);		==>  	0x0

	u = 0;
	printf("0x%x\n",u);		==> 	0xffff

    Note however:
	u = 0xffff;
	u + 1 != 0		==> In the expression 'u + 1', 'u' is upwardly
				    converted to 4 bytes before adding 1.

	(unsigned short)(u + 1) == 0


Mike Maloney				"The nice thing about standards
Integral Systems, Inc.			 is that there are so many to
Lanham Maryland				 choose from"  - Murphy

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