Strange lint mumblings

mcdonald at mcdonald at
Sat Dec 31 01:31:00 AEST 1988

>In what the dpANS calls a hosted environment---that is, in all the
>interesting cases; in freestanding environments like a Unix kernel,
>one generally cannot exit at all---return(expr) from main and
>exit(expr) have identical effects.  

There are, in the PC world, cases of non-hosted environments that are
relatively common - programs run under Microsoft Windows and the
OS/2 presentation manager are non-hosted environments. They don't
have main() at all. No argv and argc. And many of the standard library
routines don't work (getc and putc are missing, for example). I think
that they are certainly "interesting". Sickening, but interesting.

Doug McDonald

P.S. Inside a MS Windows program, it would be possible to write the
various subroutines and call a "main" in the usual way. For some
odd reason they haven't done it.

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