Re^2: total space of a string (was: hardcoded constants)

Maarten Litmaath maart at
Thu Dec 22 02:55:32 AEST 1988

kyriazis at rpics (George Kyriazis) writes:
\"/" is a pointer to a string containing a '/' and a '\0'.  Therefore
\it seems to me that sizeof "/" will return the same value as 
\sizeof( char * ).  

% cat c.c
	printf("%d\n", sizeof "let's try out before we post");
% cc c.c
% a.out

Aha! sizeof(char *) == 29
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY):          |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
      let's go weepin' in the corner! |maart at, mcvax!botter!maart

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