thanks for "down" answers

Stanislaw L. Olejniczak slores%gables.span at
Sun Dec 11 20:02:35 AEST 1988

Many, many, many thanks to the numerous good souls who send me detailed
explanations why my example would not work.  I am particularily indebted to the
several wonderful people who took apart the example and detailed why things
would not work.  I appologize ( I really do) for the missing parens for getchar.

I also would like to thank ALL for not broiling me too much.  I guess I deserved
to be flamed for posting such outrageous example, and I appreciate all
respondents were understanding about it.

Severeal respondents have pointed out that many compilers would NOT accept
			(char_var = getchar()) != EOF
because getchar() returns an integer, EOF may be a negative integer, and on many
compilers char variables may not accept signed integers.  I have entirely missed
that point.  This is how I was shown and taught.  I have directly asked a couple
of the especially kind respondents on their way of handling this.  If you have
an unusual excellent suggestion I would be most glad to read about it.

Again, with many thanks, and very grateful
Stan Olejniczak           Internet:   slores%gables.span at
University of Miami       UUCP:       {uunet!gould}!umbio!solejni
Miami, Florida, USA       Voice:      (305)-547-6005
My opinions cannot possibly represent the views of anyone else!

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