Compiler bug

Niels J|rgen Kruse njk at
Thu Dec 15 07:29:09 AEST 1988

Consider this little one liner:
-------- foo.c --------
int foo = 1 && 0;
------ end foo.c ------

On a Bsd 4.3 VAX 785, cc complains :
"foo.c", line 1: illegal initialization
and likewise does lint :
foo.c(1): illegal initialization
foo defined( foo.c(1) ), but never used

On a Xenix286 intel sys310, cc compiles it nicely, but lint
complains :

(1)  warning: constant in conditional context
(1)  illegal initialization

name defined but never used
    foo         foo.c(1)

So 3 out of 4 get it wrong. This bug seems to bee contagious.

Niels J|rgen Kruse
njk at
DIKU, Copenhagen, Denmark

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