how widespread is this cpp bug?

Anders Thulin ath at
Mon Dec 5 17:18:34 AEST 1988

In article <49179 at> markhall at pyramid.UUCP (Mark Hall) writes:
> [deleted stuff about "prin/* ... */tf" feature]
>Does your cpp have this `feature'?  Anyone know the history?  I
>suspect that AT&T and SUN know about this, but have chosen not to fix it.
>Anyone know why?

The first release of Norcroft ANSI C compiler for the Acorn Archimedes
did not have it. The second release supports it as an option. The help
text says something about PCC compatibility ...

Anders Thulin			INET : ath at
ProgramSystem AB		UUCP : ...!{uunet,mcvax}!enea!prosys!ath
Teknikringen 2A			PHONE: +46 (0)13 21 40 40
S-583 30 Linkoping, Sweden	FAX  :

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