const, volatile, etc [was Re: #defines with parameters]

Ray Dunn ray at micomvax.UUCP
Sat Dec 17 08:55:48 AEST 1988

In article <369 at aber-cs.UUCP> pcg at (Piercarlo Grandi) writes:
>In article <1450 at micomvax.UUCP> I wrote:
>    This is of course not true, the qualifier is an attempt to provide a
>    *solution* to the problem.
>It IS the cause! volatile is not necessary, register is sufficient...
>I have tried to give arguments for this (at length :->).
>....etc. etc. etc....


It's not easy to come to a conclusion when each side is discussing totally
different subjects!

I'm talking about 'C', Mr. Grandi appears to be talking about some strange
set of ad hoc rules which are figments of his fertile imagination.

As several people have now said Piercarlo, your conceptions of what 'C'
defines on both this question of "volatile", and of associating signedness
to the word "int" amongst other things, are imaginary.  Please go back and
*absorb* the 'C' spec again, from the ground up.

I hope I have managed to refrained myself from escalating this into a
Ray Dunn.                      |   UUCP: ..!philabs!micomvax!ray
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