Microsoft C / PS/2-80 incompatibilty

Clayton Cramer cramer at optilink.UUCP
Wed Feb 24 11:07:43 AEST 1988

> We've just been trying out Microsoft C version 4.00 on a PS/2 model 80.
> Every time we try to compile we get an error message
>    "Fatal error 13, cannot open <file>.C".
> We're using PC-DOS 3.30, but running MSC and DOS 3.3 on a standard PC
> works OK, so that's not the problem (I guess).
> Anyone got any ideas how to fix this, or what to do?
> All hints appreciated.
> ---
> Bjorn Heimir Bjornsson		Internet:  bjornb at
> University of Iceland		UUCP:	   ..!mcvax!hafro!rhi!bjornb

If you had asked last week, I would have had no idea.  Fortunately, I
just bought myself an AT clone, tried my first compile, and had a brief
attack of panic.  ("Oh no, it's not even compatible with the Microsoft
C compiler!")

Check your CONFIG.SYS file -- if you don't have a FILES= line, the default
number of files won't be enough for the C compiler to work.  Try FILES=32.

Clayton E. Cramer

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