Info on ordering Numerical Recipes in C
Mark D. Grosen
grosen at
Sat Feb 20 13:59:51 AEST 1988
Since several people asked for info on Numerical Recipes in C, here is
the info I got in the mail. (NOTE: If you mention "Order Form #869, when
you call or write, you will get a 20% discount off list price. Ends
May 31, 1988.)
(No, I don't own stock in Cambridge Press, etc. . . . .)
Numerical Recipes (C Version) 1988 700pp.
Order No. 35465-X
List: $44.50
Numerical Recipes Diskettes (C Version) 1988
Order No. 35466-8
List: $29.95
Numerical Recipes Example Books (C Version) 1988
Order No. 35746-2
List: $19.95
Numerical Recipes Example Diskettes (C Version) 1988
Order No. 35467-6
List: $24.95
Order from:
Cambridge University Press
32 East 57th Street
New York, NY 10022
or call 1-800-872-7423 (in NY 1-800-227-0247) and use MC or Visa.
Mark D. Grosen ARPA: grosen%filter at
Signal Processing Lab
ECE Dept.
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
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