Need Yacc/Lex description of C language

Jonathan Eunice jonathan at pitt.UUCP
Mon Feb 15 17:13:38 AEST 1988

I'd like to write a tool which produces the C source code to
print unions and structures given type definitons.  This would save
a great deal of my time in writing intricate print functions 
by hand for each program I write.

In order to make this feasible (ie, decrease my workload, not increase
it), I need (working) Yacc and Lex descriptions for the C language.
If you have such things, I sure would appreciate a copy.

If such a thing has been done before, references and/or source code
would be likewise appreciated (esp. source code).

Jonathan Eunice                 ARPA:  jonathan%pitt at
University of Pittsburgh               jonathan%pitt at
Dept of Computer Science        UUCP:  jonathan at pitt.UUCP
(412) 682-0574                         {allegra,bellcore,cadre,idis,psuvax1}
                              BITNET:  jonathan at pittvms.BITNET

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