The D Programming Language (was: Still more new operators)
Sun ECD Software
gpollice at eagle_snax.UUCP
Wed Feb 10 00:24:14 AEST 1988
In article <11702 at brl-adm.ARPA> dsill at (Dave Sill) writes:
>>Some years ago I invented the hypothetical notation "e1 ,, e2", which would be
>>like the comma operator in that it evaluates its left operand before its
>>right operand, but (unlike comma) the result would be the value of the left
>>operand. Look what this buys us:
>> a,, a=b /* displacement operator, like a :=:= b */
>> a=(b,, b=a) /* a simple swap */
>> x,, ++x /* same as x++; but generalizable */
>> free(stack,, stack=stack->next) /* pop stack */
>> stack->value,, pop(stack) /* pop and return stacked value */
>I like it. Nice and general, fills a gap missing in C. It's not C,
>but it could be D (it *should* be D, not P (pee?)).
Actually, the last project course at the late Wang Institute developed
a compiler and editor for the D language called Turbo-D. The D language
we used was taken from Dijkstra's guarded command language in his book
"A Discipline of Programming." For the simple swap you have shown, the
D syntax seemed to be much cleaner:
a,b := b,a
The language had some other features, including non-determinate selection
of guards for loops and conditional statements. The project was fun, the
language was useful, and the compiler was fast.
Gary F. Pollice | Remember the Wang Institute!!
Sun Microsystems | ARPAnet: gpollice at
Two Federal Street | UUCP: {decwrl,ihnp4,hplabs,ucbvax}!sun!gpollice
Billerica, MA 01821 | (617)671-0374
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