Should I convert FORTRAN code to C?

00704a-Liber nevin1 at ihlpf.ATT.COM
Fri Jul 8 10:33:12 AEST 1988

In article <836 at garth.UUCP> smryan at garth.UUCP (Steven Ryan) writes:
|Operators are conceptually distinct from function calls, both from the
|programmers point of view, in how formulas are written, and from the
|point of view of the compiler, in how the symbols and their operands are

Operators are NOT conceptually different from functions!  Conceptually,
operators are just a notational convienence for functions, period.
 _ __			NEVIN J. LIBER	..!ihnp4!ihlpf!nevin1	(312) 510-6194
' )  )				You are in a little twisting maze of
 /  / _ , __o  ____		 email paths, all different.
/  (_</_\/ <__/ / <_	These are solely MY opinions, not AT&T's, blah blah blah

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