Optimal structure field ordering

Brian T. Schellenberger bts at sas.UUCP
Sat Jul 2 06:53:30 AEST 1988

So put the *most commonly used* fields early to optimize access and sort
large-to-small to optimize space.  Tradeoffs between these two considerations
vary widely.  But especially if you have one field you use a lot, try to put
it first regardless of size; the first field has an offset of zero, ans this is
more efficiently accessed on (to put in mildly) a wide variety of machines.
--Brian,                     __________________________________________________
  the man from              |Brian T. Schellenberger   ...!mcnc!rti!sas!bts
  Babble-On                 |104 Willoughby Lane     work: (919) 467-8000 x7783
____________________________|Cary, NC   27513        home: (919) 469-9389 

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