when a core dump occurs ?

Karl Meiser koala at ddsw1.UUCP
Tue Jun 28 08:18:22 AEST 1988

Usually its errors that cant be checked by the compiler,  such as missing
or incorrect arguments,  examples:

long x;

printf("%s");   /*  Missing argument  */
printf("%d",x);  /*  Should be descriptor for long,  %d is for ints  */

Usually i find myself doing fprintf's without the file descriptor;

FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("foo","r");

fprintf("Hello file named foo\n");
/* Should be
fprintf(fp,"Hello file named foo\n");


Hope this helps.

Karl Meiser	koala at _d_d_s_w_1
		koala at m-net 
		koala at chinet
		koala at igloo

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