Needed: translator from VAX BASIC to C

Mark D. Freeman mdf at
Tue Jun 7 09:43:48 AEST 1988

I have been charged with the duty to convert several dozen relatively
huge VAX BASIC programs from a VMS system to C.  Microsoft C 5.1 for
MSDOS to be precise, but any reasonably portable dialect will do.  I
can handle it manually from there.  I don't need it to be perfect, as
I'll have to do lots of manual tweeking anyway.

A shell script, or any sort of device to make my job easier would be
helpful.  Thanks for any code or pointers you can send.

Mark D. Freeman						  (614) 262-1418
Applications Programmer, CompuServe	      mdf at
[70003,4277]			      ...!att!!mdf
Columbus, OH		      Guest account at The Ohio State University

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