Turbo C, version 2.0 ???

Steve Harrold swh at hpsmtc1.HP.COM
Fri Jun 10 08:35:34 AEST 1988

Re: Turbo C, version 2.0 ???

I've just received a flyer from the Howard W. Sams (Hayden Books) people 
inviting me to purchase their wares.  Among which is a book entitled:

	"Turbo C 2.0 Developer's Library"

Looks good, BUT did I miss something?  IS THERE A V2.0 OF TC AVAILABLE?
If so, when was it announced?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Steve Harrold			...hplabs!hpsmtc1!swh
				(408) 447-5580

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