MSC Danger (was Re: Turbo C vs Quick C)
Jerry Fountain
gof at
Wed Mar 16 15:49:31 AEST 1988
In article <304 at wsccs.UUCP> terry at wsccs.UUCP (terry) writes:
>In article <1082 at dutesta.UUCP>, knop at dutesta.UUCP (Peter Knoppers) writes:
>> Why, oh why don't the .obj files in MSDOS contain some bits telling
>> the linker whether a function in the .obj file expects to be called
>> with a FAR or a NEAR call. This can prevent accidentally linking
>> modules compiled for different models.
> [lots more stuff deleted that don't really apply to this comment :-]
Digging around in the .obj file I did run across an interesting item. MSC
*does* include a flag in the .obj to indicate the model for which the file
was generated. The bad part is that only placed in the .obj for Xenix
(from MS-DOS encyclopedia, pg. 659)
COMENT record (0x88), comment class 0x9D
Hope this clears up this minor point...The info is there, LINK just ignores it.
-----Jerry Fountain-----
UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd,sdcsvax,nosc}!crash!pnet01!gof ARPA: crash!gof at
MAIL: 523 Glen Oaks Dr., Alpine, Calif. 92001 INET: gof at pnet01.CTS.COM
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