Safe to use *_t typedefs?
MH Cox
cox at bentley.UUCP
Wed Mar 16 09:51:06 AEST 1988
I need some advice, preferrably from some one on the ANSI committee
(are you listenin' Gwyn?). The proposed ANSI standard C has produced
a lot of new data types: size_t, time_t, etc. I was starting to
adopt their "_t" convention for my own data types, when
I suddenly realized (excuse me, if this is obvious to everyone
else :-) I might be headed for a type clash with a future
ANSI C typedef. Did the ANSI C committe intend to reserve all
typedefs of the form *_t for their own use? Should I
avoid typedefs of this form in my applications?
Michael H. Cox ARPA: moss!bentley!cox at
AT&T Bell Labs UUCP: don't know (can anyone help?)
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