Character handling functions -- Jan 88, dpANS
Doug Gwyn
gwyn at brl-smoke.ARPA
Mon Mar 28 23:37:22 AEST 1988
In article <6192 at> david at (David H. Wolfskill) writes:
>1) It would seem to be possible for a character -- interpreted in a
> locale other than the "C" locale -- to cause isalpha to return
> true, yet cause both isupper and islower to fail to return true.
Yes, this is right. Not all character sets have a meaningful concept
of "case". (Consider Chinese.) Instead of arbitrarily picking either
lower or upper (or both), the implementor can simply tell the truth.
>2) Similarly, it would seem to be possible for a character to be
> able to cause isalpha to fail to return true, and yet cause
> either (or both!) of isupper and islower to return true.
No, read the specification of isalpha again. islower => isalpha
and isupper => isalpha but not the converse.
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