Another \"D\" idea: RPN (and more)
Gregory Conway
gregory at ritcsh.UUCP
Mon Mar 7 03:14:47 AEST 1988
In article <12088 at brl-adm.ARPA>, TLIMONCE%DREW.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU writes:
> Another thing that "D" should have... actually not have, is pointers. At
> least 85% of the problems discussed here on Info-C are people who have
> some problem with confusion about pointers. Removing pointers would solve
> this whole set of problems.
You seem to me to be a little hasty here. The problem has NOTHING to do
with pointers, but rather people who do not understand pointers who use them
anyways. Pointers are the most powerful aspect of the C programming language
and are what make it such a joy to work with. To para-phrase, pointers
don't kill, programmers do.
Gregory Conway at Computer Science House UUCP: ...rochester!ritcv!ritcsh!gregory
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
"I got an allergy to Perrier, daylight, and responsibility", Marillion
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