ANSI's new type qualifier reserved words.
David Collier-Brown
daveb at geac.UUCP
Wed Mar 30 05:40:47 AEST 1988
In article <17834 at> rbutterworth at (Ray Butterworth) writes:
>by the current code. Yet the word "const" has too many other
>connotations, and the English expression "volatile constant"
>is quite self contradictory.
The suggestion by Ray ("readonly" and "cacheable" to replace the
proposed terms) is consistant with existing C naming. The notable
example here is "static", which specifies something physical, and
very specific. This is preferable to "private", which suggests its
purpose but not its implementation.
David Collier-Brown. {mnetor yunexus utgpu}!geac!daveb
Geac Computers International Inc., | Computer Science loses its
350 Steelcase Road,Markham, Ontario, | memory (if not its mind)
CANADA, L3R 1B3 (416) 475-0525 x3279 | every 6 months.
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