C++ is not an object-oriented language
Michael I. Bushnell
mike at turing.UNM.EDU
Thu Mar 3 11:27:32 AEST 1988
In article <719 at cresswell.quintus.UUCP> ok at quintus.UUCP (Richard A.
O'Keefe) writes:
>In article <...>, tub!cabo (Carsten Bormann @ Technical University of Berlin)
>> For the uninitiated: C++ is not an ``object-oriented language''.
>I'm ever so sorry, the correct term, taken from Stroustrup's book,
>is not "object-oriented". I was quite wrong. It is "object-BASED".
>Stroustrup says quite explicitly on the first page of the preface
>that 'the key concept in C++ is "class".'
> *** (my emphasis)
>If that doesn't entitle it to the description "object-oriented language",
>then Simula, Clascal, and various others aren't object-oriented either.
Actually there is a real difference between C++ and real OO languages:
in C++ you have to type your variables. Because of this, message
overloading isn't nearly as useful.
In an object oriented language, just as in a value oriented language,
variables are not typed in any way.
Another important thing is that in the only fully object oriented
language, smalltalk, note that *everything* is an object. Even the
classes. In C++ there is no notion of a metaclass. This is also a
problem with "Little Smalltalk."
Michael I. Bushnell
Internet: mike at turing.unm.edu
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