Whats wrong with this code?? (MS-DOS/TC 1.0)
Rodrigo Murillo
murillo at sigi.Colorado.EDU
Sat Mar 19 08:26:19 AEST 1988
OK, I give up. Can some one tell me why the expresion below (see comments)
yields a result that is different than what the initial results would suggest?
A hand multiplication of the resultant disk values (total sectors free, bytes
per sector, etc.) yields the correct number of bytes free, but the same
expression yields a number that hsa no correlation with the original values.
Do I need a cast somewhere in the expression?
Please e-mail me. Thanks.
/* program determines amount of disk free in bytes */
#include <dos.h>
/* relevant structure is:
struct dfree {
unsigned df_avail; /* available clusters */
unsigned df_total /* total cluster */
unsigned df_bsec; /* bytes per sector */
unsigned df_sclus; /* sectors per cluster */
/* This seems to be the proper prototype, but TC barfs
void getdfree(int, struct dfree *); */
unsigned long bytesf; /* total bytes free */
struct dfree dfreep;
getdfree(0, &dfreep);
printf("Available clusters: %u\n", dfreep.df_avail);
printf("Total clusters: %u\n", dfreep.df_total);
printf("Bytes per sector: %u\n", dfreep.df_bsec);
printf("Sectors per clusters: %u\n", dfreep.df_sclus);
/* why is this number different that the numbers from above would
produce? My calculator produces the right value, but the expression
below does not! */
bytesf = dfreep.df_avail * dfreep.df_sclus * dfreep.df_bsec;
printf("Disk free: %u\n", bytesf);
Rodrigo Murillo, University of Colorado - Boulder (303) 761-0410
murillo at boulder.colorado.edu | ..{hao|nbires}!boulder!murillo
( Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Worhol )
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