noalias comments to X3J11
Frank Swarbrick
swarbric at tramp.Colorado.EDU
Fri Mar 25 10:31:24 AEST 1988
In article <1988Mar23.193330.459 at utzoo.uucp> henry at utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) writes:
:>What does this const thing have to do with the function below getting the
:>suspicious pointer conversion warning?
:> return s ? (int)(s - str) : -1;
:You're mixing two separate types of pointer: s is char *, str is
:const char *. THOSE ARE NOT THE SAME TYPE. Evidently the compiler
:is doing the conversion for you, but it's not entirely happy about it.
:In this particular case, adding const to the declaration of s would
:fix it, pretty much. (The exact rules for this sort of thing may yet
:change again before ANSI C is final.)
I just changed it to
return s ? s - (char *)str : -1;
and it worked fine. Thanks for the idea, although you gave it indirectly and
maybe without knowing it...
(Actually I didn't run it, but it compiled without giving the warning.)
Frank Swarbrick (and his cat)
swarbric at tramp.UUCP swarbric at tramp.Colorado.EDU
"Remember when you were young. You shown like the sun..."
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