Portable asm
David Collier-Brown
daveb at geac.UUCP
Thu Mar 10 03:42:12 AEST 1988
In article <7501 at sol.ARPA> quiroz at cs.rochester.edu (Cesar Quiroz) writes:
| Herman Rubin has consistently criticized in this group high-level
| language designers/implementors for not producing the portable
| assembler he wishes to use [several paragraphs deleted]
| My personal guess is that, were he to try, Rubin would come out with
| a language in the general class of C/Bliss/BCPL. The exercise would
| be fruitful still: no more negative comments, once he realizes that
| language designers are not (totally) crazy, and that "progress in
| programming", if anything, means getting *away* from the vagaries of
| the hardware.
Published last year (or maybe the one before) in Dr. Dobb's: a
subset-language of C which was in fact an assembler for a 68k
And the idea is to get away from the vagaries without losing
the capabilities. The latter is surprisingly hard, the turing
machine notwithstanding.
--dave (doesn't anyone read any more?) c-b
David Collier-Brown. {mnetor yunexus utgpu}!geac!daveb
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