== vs =
Ray Dunn
ray at micomvax.UUCP
Thu Mar 24 09:57:51 AEST 1988
In article <1011 at mcgill-vision.UUCP> mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP (der Mouse),
obviously feeling cheesed off, squeaks:
>In article <931 at micomvax.UUCP>, ray at micomvax.UUCP (Ray Dunn) writes:
>> We believe that you should put a safety cage over a spinning gear,
>> not just put up a sign saying "Don't slip on the wet floor into this
>> dangerous device".
>Except that in this case, it is sometimes useful to slip into the
>spinning gear, provided you know what you're doing. The cage gets in
>the way of that.
I agree, it is indeed sometimes useful. Did I make any suggestion anywhere
that we remove this ability? I suggest that the safety cage should be the
*norm*. Give the guy a wrench if he wants to remove it! Use you incisor
teeth on the bars (:-)! But be careful of the cat!
>> Dave, don't you believe in removing from system designs, as much of
>> the human ability to make mistakes as possible?
>Fine. Let's tie everyone to their bed, so they can't fall down
>crossing the street and get run over.
WOWEE! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! Its only *der mouse* taking an
incredible unsupported leap from one statement to a conclusion!
Can someone please explain the step from question ">>" to conclusion ">"?
Or is the tail too long?
>> Remember me the next time you discover a "stupid" error in the code
>> you are writing, or when a typo costs you a couple of days work,
>> [etc].
>And you remember this discussion next time you come up against
>something your current language won't let you do because its designers
>considered it a bad thing to do and hence forbade it.
Jeese! You are missing the whole point! Its not the freedom that's bad,
its the syntax that's bad!
We should all have the right to commit suicide, I would rather not do it
accidently (:-)!
You *should* be able to do *anything* in a language if you really must.
What you should also rely on the language to do is to help you not make
stupid mistakes. I make stupid mistakes, you make stupid mistakes, we *all*
make stupid mistakes!
Stupid mistakes should be *obvious* they should not be *insidious*.
>Just yesterday I found a bug in some of my code where I'd written ==
>for what I intended to be an assignment. So what? I discover bugs
>where I've written && instead of ||, too.
So what indeed! Clever little mouse aren't you! At least the majority of
us only make stupid mistakes, making *clever* mistakes takes talent!
How many have you yet to find, and how many have already done their damage!
The cage not only saves *you*, it also saves your poor unsuspecting
*users* (or had you forgotten them)?
>It's a tradeoff. C chooses freedom, and with it comes the rope to hang
Or others, as the case may be.
Does liking 'C' mean we shouldn't try to improve it?
This subject is f***ing demised! It's pushing up the daisies! It's a
*dead* subject. It has ceased to 'C'.
Ray Dunn. ..{philabs, mnetor, musocs}!micomvax!ray
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