Implementing co-routines etc.
Ed Kaulakis
edk at gryphon.CTS.COM
Sun Mar 20 06:50:55 AEST 1988
In article <4326 at>, raghavan at (Vijay Raghavan) writes:
> Let me make it clear that this is *not* a feature that I want
> to see in D, or anything like that. I think that if co-routines
> are desired, a programmer can implement them on his own in C,
> with about the amount of portability that setjmp and longjmp
> have. I do have such an implementation (which, of course, I've
> never really had to use, except to satisfy myself that it
> works.) My problem is that I don't *like* the implementation. There
> is a particular bit of dirty coding which I can't seem to get
> around no matter how I shift and squirm. I think that this is
> a peculiar situation where one *has* to resort to a little bit of
> kludgery in order to get the job done. But maybe I'm wrong. How
> would *you* code the functions "instantiate" and "resume" to make
> the following program work?
Well, my opinion is that it can't be done in pure C, which doesn't
know anything about its own stack pointer. The stack pointer *must* be
manipulated to give a coroutine the same kind of syntactic sugar on offset
references to its activation record (a mechanism often thought of as "auto"
variable allocation) that is enjoyed by regular C functions. Thus any
coroutining code must kludgily mess with a hardware thingy that's not
even declarable, for bizarre side-effect.
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