Need Help Finding Sperry 'C' Compilers
Eric J. Johnson
eric at hdr.UUCP
Sun Mar 27 15:07:39 AEST 1988
We need information on C Compilers for the Sperry OS 1100 environment.
These could be either third party products, or those available from Unisys.
Please include any price, maintenance cost, conformance to standards,
availability of curses, etc. you may have. Address and phone number for
particular suppliers would be appreciated.
We have tried (and tried) to get the above information from our local
Unisys office, but have been ignored. Calls to Unisys HQ get only the
response "all such requests should go through your local Unisys office" ...
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Eric J. Johnson UUCP: eric at hdr.UUCP || ...!{ihnp4, codas}!hdr!eric
Amperif Corporation. CIS: 72460,11 BIX: ericj
Sperry flames > /dev/null
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