parameter adjustment (was double indirection)
der Mouse
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
Wed Mar 9 19:54:57 AEST 1988
In article <2305 at>, chris at (Chris Torek) writes:
> In article <16940 at> rbutterworth at (Ray Butterworth) writes:
>> C performs this "helpful" adjustment of the programmer's
>> misdeclaration with other parameters too. ...
>> sizeof args: float=8 double=8 short=2 char=1 int[10]=4
>> sizeof autos: float=4 double=8 short=2 char=1 int[10]=40
>> The "40" vs. the "4" shows the array parameter "adjustment".
> This one is `correct' according to the language definition;
>> And (float) is similarly adjusted form 4 to 8, since it is actually
>> passed as (double).
> but this one is just a bug.
I don't believe I just saw Chris say that.
K&R, page 186, fifth paragraph on that page.
der Mouse
uucp: mouse at mcgill-vision.uucp
arpa: mouse at
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