X3J11 response to comments (was: Block Closure)

Henry Spencer henry at utzoo.uucp
Tue May 3 07:20:40 AEST 1988

> >An interestingly small number, since it implies that a lot of the moaners
> >and whiners didn't bother making their complaints official.  I suppose it
> >is too optimistic to hope that they will henceforth keep quiet...
> Perhaps they didn't care to pay $50 (or however much CBEMA was charging) 
> for the latest standard...

If they can't find $50 in their own pockets, or their own plus their friends'
pockets, or their organization's pockets, I really have to conclude that
they aren't that desperately concerned.  For some reason I suspect that X3J11
would be more interested in hearing from someone who was willing to live on
soup and sandwiches for a couple of weeks because he really cared about C
and was willing to make some sacrifices to be sure his voice was heard.
People who actually *can't* afford $50 do have my sympathy; people who just
can't be bothered commenting unless it's free don't.

(Actually I think it was more like $75, but the principle stands.)

(P.S. U of T did not pay for my copy of the draft.)
NASA is to spaceflight as            |  Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology
the Post Office is to mail.          | {ihnp4,decvax,uunet!mnetor}!utzoo!henry

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