What does Z["ack"] = 5 mean?

kenny at m.cs.uiuc.edu kenny at m.cs.uiuc.edu
Sat Oct 8 04:45:00 AEST 1988

/* Written  2:54 pm  Oct  5, 1988 by merlyn at intelob.intel.com in m.cs.uiuc.edu:comp.lang.c */
Now, you may not like the idea of the subscript transposed with the
array name, but it is legal C.
/* End of text from m.cs.uiuc.edu:comp.lang.c */

Since K&R are somewhat unclear on the point, some compiler
implementors, notably Encore, have been lax about implementing
integer[pointer] and integer +- pointer.  It is unwise to depend on
either form's working in portable code; better to use pointer[integer]
and pointer +- integer.


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