ANSI C (X3J11) goes to X3 level
Doug Gwyn
gwyn at smoke.ARPA
Mon Oct 3 14:59:37 AEST 1988
In article <1330 at xyzzy.UUCP> meissner at xyzzy.UUCP (Michael Meissner) writes:
>In the latest C standards meeting, the X3J11 committee voted to submit
>the standard to its parent body (X3) for approval as an official
>dpAns standard. It is anticipated that the final version with the
>editorial changes from the last meeting will be sent to X3 in December
>or January. If there are no changes from the X3 level review, the
>standard should be official in May or June as X3.159-1989.
Here is a little more information:
At the September 1988 X3J11 meeting, a number of editorial changes
to the third public review draft were approved, but no substantive
changes were made. Approval to submit the proposed ANS to X3 is
contingent on review of the three official documents (Response to
third public review, Standard, and Rationale), which will be in
progress for the next couple of months. Submission of the final
proposed Standard and Rationale documents, along with any replies
by recipients of our official responses to third-round comments,
to X3 should occur by 05-Dec-1988 if all goes well.
Perhaps a note about "editorial" vs. "substantive" changes is in
order, to forestall some possible complaints. A change was deemed
"editorial" in nature if it served merely to clarify wording that
could have been reasonably interpreted as meaning other than what
the Committee had intended, so long as the previous intention of
the Committee was preserved. On a couple of issues, the Committee
had to settle whether a proposed change was editorial or
substantive by voting on this question (if 1/3 of the voting
members present thought a change was substantive, then it was taken
to be so). We did vote whether or not to adopt some substantive
changes, but there was not sufficient support for them to attain
the 2/3 majority required for a substantive change to the proposed
Standard. In fact, none of them even came close to that level of
support; the Committee believed that the current specification is
"good enough" for use as the official C Standard, and the editorial
changes that were approved just serve to make the Committee's
intentions clearer in a few places. In some cases, notably with
respect to what a signal handler may safely do in a portable program,
the clarification of intent may surprise someone who had not
understood what actually had been intended (many believed the former
wording to have been unambiguous, but not what we meant to say).
Therefore, although the third public review draft Standard is
substantially the same as the one being submitted for official
approval, you should wait for the official Standard to see the exact
wording before making any irreversible decisions based on it.
Note that only Committee members participating in the final document
review will really know the exact wording that gets sent to X3; some
of the approved "editorial" changes may in fact not be made,
depending on the judgement of the reviewers. I had reservations
about this, but since I'm reviewing two of the three documents (and
will have input to the third), I should be able to satisfy myself
that nothing gets broken at the last minute. We'll see...
P.S. (for those of you who can't tell the difference) This is yet
another posting that is NOT an official X3J11 statement.
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