Big objects with microsoft C

Paul Svensson pausv at
Thu Oct 6 18:57:26 AEST 1988

As part of a research project, when porting a large database
system to a PC clone, we have the following problem:

Since the system frequently creates arrays larger than 64 Kbytes, we
need to tell the compiler to make the pointer arithmetics with both
offset and segment parts.  How can we do this, without weeding through
14k lines of code to insert "far" directives at every pointer declaration,
cast and "address of" operation ?

I would appreciate answer by mail, since I do not regularly read news.

Paul Svensson		eMail:	pausv at
			Voice:	+46-(0)13-121021
			Snail:	Luftvarnsg. 62, S582 65 Linkoping

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